Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Michigan Fall Weekend

Taking time to see the world around me still has beauty in it, from a old barn glimpsed through Autumn leaves to a hundred year old church being converted into a home.

The recycling something old into something new coming to life is always a good thing, and the history and stories of these old buildings to me is always more interesting than the match box homes built today.

Today I am working on one art card and one page in my art journal, I hope to complete them and post them tomorrow get back into posting something I create each day....:0)


daviddrawsandpaints said...

I love the barn in particular - looks like it's entirely part of the landscape!

Looking forward to seeing your stuff (no pressure then:o)

Hazel said...

I snapped that photo from the car. I saw it stopped and took a quick shot out the window. It just seemed to call out to me, I love old barns! :0)

The church was another out the car window snap shot I took. I've been trying to go out each weekend and just take time to enjoy being home and getting photos to draw or paint this winter when the snow makes it harder to get out.