Joshua has a new fur butt Pal he renamed from Ringo to Motley....doesn't matter the dog comes to anything you call him...LOL
It is nice to know he has a barker in case someone messes around his home...
Spike turned 19 on the 26 of Feb, 2009 and Joshua will turn 27 on the 10th of March, 2009.
The time is flying by so quickly....it seems like yesterday the 8 year boy was holding his new born brother in his arms chatting to him on the sofa with his best friend Joshua Van Houten telling him to make sure to Love and Watch out for him because sometimes little brothers die.
His best friends baby brother had passed away from crib death...his mother and I over heard them and just wiped away the tears as one boy passed on a sad wisdom to his friend...At the time I did not realize what an impact those words would have on Joshua, words he took to heart and spent the past 19 years keeping his promise to his friend that he would take special care to watch over his youngest brother he held so close to his heart that afternoon.
Despite being wheel chair bound these days with no real functioning vocal cords yet...he still rules as eldest brother, and lets him know he is still top dog in the brother world...LOL His sense of humor still shines through with silly faces and sticking out that tongue at you to let you know when he thinks your being silly...:0)
Happy Birthday to both of you Young men, who will always be my silly boys in my heart....
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