You may or may not be aware that Ruby James just completed her new album in Austin, Texas with the legendary Charlie Sexton. This project started about three years ago, and at that time we were simple calling it "The Austin Sessions". The album is now called, "Happy Now" and is sitting at the printers as I write this message to you.
As the holiday season approaches us we sometimes forget about what is happening in the rest of the world. Comfortable to snuggle in with friends and family, drink a little too much eggnog and eat just a few too many cookies. We look at the lights that decorate our own little neighborhood, put up our trees and shop for gifts. It can be both a festive and a stressful time of year. There are some of us that wait until the last minute to shop and some of us that are totally ready three days before Thanksgiving. As you think about gifts for the holidays I would like to encourage you to reach a little deeper this year.
The economy has affected all of us. Now I am getting to that "rest of the world" statement I made in the previous paragraph. The music industry has been affected. Musicians have been affected two fold and three fold. There are no more artist development deals from labels really, or they are few and far between. It is truly a "do it yourself" industry with Independent Artists barely able to survive. Sometimes you get lucky and you find someone to invest in your career, to help you move to the next level. Sometimes great talents lay hidden because they cannot reach their target audience because they lack the funding to do so.
Ruby James is one of those. Just a few short days ago the economy threw us for a loop. The investor that had been helping us to get to the next level withdrew his backing. It wasn't that he didn't believe in Ruby, or that she could make it, it was simply the stock market. He no longer had the funds to go forward. Without the funding Ruby has a webpage, (www.rubyjames.com) that is under construction and cannot be finished, though you can still shop there and pre-purchase "Happy Now" and buy her "Desert Rose" album. There are other expenses that cannot be met, albums at the printers, mailings to media. Without funding it is possible that this album, will set on a shelf only to be heard by a few people that have pre-ordered it.
So for this holiday season, if you have read this far into this message, I am reaching out to you. Asking you to purchase one more gift. The gift of a dream. Your gift does not have to be large, it can be as small as just a dollar because every cent counts. You can visit Ruby's webpage and purchase her music, or if you already own it, you can contribute through a contribution at this webpage: http://rubyjames.chipin.com/
Give as much or as little as you can. Each and every contribution will be seen by Ruby herself. Every time someone clicks the link above and makes a contribution it will come across her email. She is making a long trek across the desert today and what a wonderful thing for her to see that people really do care, about her, about music and the spirit of giving. So that you may in part see what you are helping to bring alive I am sending you the video link for, "The Predictable Kind", a song that Ruby co-wrote with Will Sexton. I hope you enjoy it and that you have a Happy Holiday Season.
Aquila Management
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