"Every Day Matters" sketches from the EDM's list, not in order...
mainly because well to be honest...
I've never been the kind of girl who follows the straight line from A to Z...
I let others who can...
do that...
I tend to wander wherever the winds blows me....
I am perfectly happy to be that kind of female...:0)
Hello and welcome to EDM from someone else who finds life to full of interesting things to follow a straight and narrow line! You have some lovely sketches here, and I like those borders around the lamp.
Wow, you're really good! Awesome sketches, really! I particularly like the shoes and the sunflowers.
Can't wait to see more! <3
Very nicely done. I especially like the shoes.
Wonderful pages, Hazel! I especially love the shoe sketch, and the one of you and Joshua!
Good job Hazel! Welcome to our little group!
Welcome to EDM! Great sketches. I'm looking forward to seeing more!
Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment and leave feedback...LOL
It would appear the shoes are the fave among all of my friends and with all of you as well..:0)
I plan on posting more often now and to get back to being creative this year...it is time for that.
Wonderful sketches! Welcome to the EDM group. Those shoes are gorgeous!
A warm welcome to EDM...mind I say, your sketches are AMAZING! =)
I love them and definitely would love to see more. The use of colors and forms and shapes...simply beautiful work!
Thanks for following ;)
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