Thursday, December 31, 2009

Ruby James needs a helping hand

You may or may not be aware that Ruby James just completed her new album in Austin, Texas with the legendary Charlie Sexton. This project started about three years ago, and at that time we were simple calling it "The Austin Sessions". The album is now called, "Happy Now" and is sitting at the printers as I write this message to you.

As the holiday season approaches us we sometimes forget about what is happening in the rest of the world. Comfortable to snuggle in with friends and family, drink a little too much eggnog and eat just a few too many cookies. We look at the lights that decorate our own little neighborhood, put up our trees and shop for gifts. It can be both a festive and a stressful time of year. There are some of us that wait until the last minute to shop and some of us that are totally ready three days before Thanksgiving. As you think about gifts for the holidays I would like to encourage you to reach a little deeper this year.

The economy has affected all of us. Now I am getting to that "rest of the world" statement I made in the previous paragraph. The music industry has been affected. Musicians have been affected two fold and three fold. There are no more artist development deals from labels really, or they are few and far between. It is truly a "do it yourself" industry with Independent Artists barely able to survive. Sometimes you get lucky and you find someone to invest in your career, to help you move to the next level. Sometimes great talents lay hidden because they cannot reach their target audience because they lack the funding to do so.

Ruby James is one of those. Just a few short days ago the economy threw us for a loop. The investor that had been helping us to get to the next level withdrew his backing. It wasn't that he didn't believe in Ruby, or that she could make it, it was simply the stock market. He no longer had the funds to go forward. Without the funding Ruby has a webpage, ( that is under construction and cannot be finished, though you can still shop there and pre-purchase "Happy Now" and buy her "Desert Rose" album. There are other expenses that cannot be met, albums at the printers, mailings to media. Without funding it is possible that this album, will set on a shelf only to be heard by a few people that have pre-ordered it.

So for this holiday season, if you have read this far into this message, I am reaching out to you. Asking you to purchase one more gift. The gift of a dream. Your gift does not have to be large, it can be as small as just a dollar because every cent counts. You can visit Ruby's webpage and purchase her music, or if you already own it, you can contribute through a contribution at this webpage:

Give as much or as little as you can. Each and every contribution will be seen by Ruby herself. Every time someone clicks the link above and makes a contribution it will come across her email. She is making a long trek across the desert today and what a wonderful thing for her to see that people really do care, about her, about music and the spirit of giving. So that you may in part see what you are helping to bring alive I am sending you the video link for, "The Predictable Kind", a song that Ruby co-wrote with Will Sexton. I hope you enjoy it and that you have a Happy Holiday Season.

Aquila Management

Sunday, December 20, 2009


Metal Ox people work harder and more scrupulously than most people, including other Oxen. They always show a boldness and drive and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Like all Oxen, they are completely trustworthy and dependable, but they are not ones to display their emotions freely or openly. These Oxen have the strength of steel, with a will to match. Often, this strength and ruthless will make it difficult for them to identify with the feelings of others around them. However, an Ox is always willing to defend what he knows to be true and won't give up until he has proven what he knows to be true.


Determination and strong will characterize the Scorpio Ox. These Oxen will strive and do whatever they must in order to reach their goal. They are intense lovers, but you'll never be able to read their emotions because they keep them tucked away.

Though they are quite open-minded, once Ox people have made a decision about something, they rarely change it. This is a defining characteristic that can be seen as obstinacy, but it is actually the way an Ox learns to be strong, brave and straightforward.

Me thinks my wheels are spinning.......LOL

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

#31-Q & A

3001. What is your half-birthday? Moon rising in Cancer…..LOL….makes me a unusually soft Scorpion……sigh

3002. When is your un-birthday? The day I die

3003. Do you like movies about:

time travel? Yes love these

the 80's? some

drugs? not really although two dudes in the 70s made a few funny ones….LOL

crazy people? If there is a good storyline about what made them crazy

hallucinations? nope

aero planes? Yes

death? at least one week out of the month………LOL

life? Yes

the meaning of life? depends on the mood

fate? Yes

3004. If you said yes to any of the above you should see Donnie Darko. If you HAVE seen it, what'd you think?

3005. If you were going to write a book what would it be about?

In the middle of writing one right now

3006. Is radio obsolete?

not at my house

3007. Do you feel like you are entitled to have things without working for them? no

3008. If yes than why do you believe you feel this way?

3009. If no, have you noticed that a lot of people around you feel this way?
3010. If yes than why do you believe they feel this way?
I don’t have the answer to that

3011. "An eight track stereo, a color TV in every room and a half a piece of dope everyday. That's the American dream, nigga'"

How do you feel about the above quote? Sounds like something from a damn ass rap song…or a movie that one of my son’s would watch

3012. What is it from? don’t know

3013. What year is it from? Don’t feel like googling it

3014. Do you believe that you will someday be famous?
Everyone is famous for 15 minutes in their lifetime

3015. What is YOUR IDEA of success?
Happy Family

3016. Do you believe that you will be successful?
I have my moments

3017. Will you be successful without hard work?

Not in this life time
3018. What brings you bad luck?
Haven’t a clue, we all have it from time to time

Is it true that you:
3019. Claim to be Goth, punk, prep, emo or any other label?
I’ve had my moments in my life with different stages of growth and searching
3020. Claim that your opinion is RIGHT?
It’s right for me
3021. claim that your religion is RIGHT?
See the above answer
3022. Claim to be a fan of a band when you really only like a few songs?
3023. Do ANYTHING to fit in or be accepted by ANYONE?
Not in this lifetime, I’m not a cookie cutter female type. I’m not always popular or beautiful, I’m never a trophy, but I’m always authentically myself.

3024. REFUSE to listen to the ideas or thoughts of others?
I will listen, I know I do things the hard way…so if someone has a easier way to do it, I’m open to those ideas….

3025. tell others to shut up? I have my moments not often but if I’m pushed to that point, you better. Because I will next hit you, you’ve been warned, Shut UP is the warning.

3026. say I HATE (insert any band)? a certain pygmies chanting CD

3027. say I HATE (insert anything)? Not much, there are many things I don’t like, but HATE takes up to much energy and sucks the good out of my soul to waste giving it that much power over me

3028. Only appreciate certain things that you LIKE? No I appreciate a lot of things, just because I don’t like everything, does not mean I can’t appreciate things.

3029. like only one style of music? LOL Not hardly how boring would that be

3030. like only one style of clothes? LOL Not hardly how boring would that be

3031. hate a style of music? There are a few
3032. hate life? LOL Not hardly

3033. Is it true that you:

3034. don't listen when parents, elders or authorities talk? I have moments

3035. do everything parents, elders and authorities tell you? Never everything

3036. do things or want things because it looked cool on mtv? Not hardly

3037. hate everyone? no

3038. hate everything? no

3039. hate disco? no

3040. hate rap? I really, really, I mean really don’t like it, but I can’t claim to hate it.

3041-3045 These question is for the guys

You are at her home with her. Both of you have drank a little wine, enough to loosen the inhibitions while not getting tipsy. You have snuggled on the couch and it's a good time for bed. You've been romantic, but you've not made any big moves on her. You're not sure if you are up to a night of love making or even if she's in the mood.

She goes to the bedroom to put on something more comfortable... When she returns she is wearing an outfit that looks great on her and you notice that she has her hands tied in front of her, with a scrunchee...

She stands in front of you and giggles nervously. You search for words to express how you feel, but before you can get any words out she gets on her knees in front of you and reaches out to hold your hand with both of hers. Your eyes find hers...

3041. How do you react to this?

3042. What message do you think she is sending?

3043. What do you do next?

3044. Is this a good way for her to approach her fantasy with you?

3045. If not, what would be a better way for her to approach you about wanting to be controlled during sex (consider that just outright talking about it might be hard for her)?

3046-3050 These questions is for the girls

You are at his home with him. Both of you have drank a little wine, enough to loosen the inhibitions while not getting tipsy. You have snuggled on the couch and it's a good time for bed. You've been romantic, but you've not made any big moves on him. You're not sure if you are up to a night of love making or even if he's in the mood.

He goes to the bedroom to put on something more comfortable... When he returns he is wearing an outfit that looks great on him. He sits next to you. You kiss and kiss. You move your hands down his body to his chest and start unbuttoning his shirt but he stops you and whispers seductively.. 'A good slave unbuttons them with her teeth.. and you do want to be my slave, don't you?'

3046. What do you do?

3047. How do you react to this?

3048. What message do you think he is sending?

3049. Is this a good way for him to approach his fantasy with you? Hahaha not in this life time….but I do know a few great girlfriends who would be his type….:0P

3050. If not, what would be a better way for him to approach you about wanting to be in control during sex (consider that just outright talking about it might be hard for him)?

Is it true that you...

3051. are politically correct? Not hardly

3052. are too nice to say how you feel? I have moments

3053. don't think the world government affects you? Not hardly

3054. think that all people who are fat are ugly? Not hardly

3055. think all people who are thin are shallow? Not hardly

3056. think you are getting solid information from advertisements? Not hardly

3057. don't research the products you use? Not hardly

3058. believe that the lives of the people you love are somehow more important than the lives of the 6 billion other people in the world? We are always more concerned with our own loved ones, it does not mean the rest of the world is not important, only that we have an invested emotional tie to our own.

3059. believe that the lives of your country men or woman are somehow more valuable than the lives of people from other countries? Not hardly

3060. believe your ideas are somehow worth more than the ideas of others? Not hardly

3061. repress things rather than deal with them? I have my moments

3062. mindlessly self indulge ? I have my moments

3063. think there is only one right way? Not hardly

3064. think that this one right way could possibly be right for ALL of the 6 billion people on this planet? Not hardly

3065. Decide something is UNTRUE just because you don't AGREE with it or you don't LIKE it? I have my moments I am human

3066. What do you think of the out-dated Chinese custom of foot-binding (tying a baby girl's toes under her foot, even if you have to break the bone, making her walk with her toes under her foot (or hobble) because Chinese men like small feet)? I think someone would have to shoot me if it was my daughter….where do men come up with these sick ideas?

3067. What do you think of plastic surgery? It is needed to repair damage done, but Hollywood is really becoming a place of scary looking rich people……shudders.

3068. Is there a difference between foot binding and plastic surgery? Yes What? One is to hobble a female to make it so she has no control of her life ever….the other is to repair a birth defect, or repair damage done by an accident for example.

Are there any similarities between foot-binding and plastic surgery? In Hollywood you could answer yes What? Making people think they need to look like cookie cutter people to be considered beautiful….makes my skin crawl

3069. Would you be likely to continue reading a book that began: 'It was a bright, defrosted, pussy-willow day at the onset of Spring, and the newlyweds were driving cross-country in a large roast turkey.'? LOL Just to see how the story ended , most likely yes…LOL

3070. If I don't quit smoking then I will sing a song.

If I sing a song then I either play an instrument or run a mile.

I do not play an instrument or run a mile.

Therefore I quit smoking.

Is this a valid argument? Not hardly

3071. What came first, the acorn or the tree? Ask the Chicken or the Egg

3072. What is surrealism? a 20th-century literary and artistic movement that attempts to express the workings of the subconscious by fantastic imagery and incongruous juxtaposition of subject matter.

If you were putting together a surrealist work of art, what would you do? In the middle of this process even as we speak and you have to wait and see them along with everyone else.

3073. What did you do on Halloween? Was at a party at the neighbors

3074. Some bees have made a comfortable nest for the winter inside your air conditioner. How would you remove the air conditioner from the window? Have one of the guys do it

3075. Why is quiet contemplation important? Those are the moments we hear, we learn, and we grow.

3076. Do you spend lots of time in quiet contemplation? I have my moments How about any time?

If not, what distracts you?

3077. What is the lowest you have ever felt? The day I put a gun in my mouth was the lowest I ever felt.

3078. Who has changed your life dramatically for the better? Sherry Meyers 6th grade, Mark E. Smith 15, My three sons Joshua, Jacob, Michael, Michael Combs, Kat, Eddie McIntosh different people at different times in my life…when the path I was on was about to come to a cross road, different people come into my life that help me choose which way to go.

3079. Is all you Christmas shopping done? Shopping yes, making gifts not yet

3080. Who is the greatest writer you can think of and why? I don’t know, I’m tired today

3081. Are people either good or evil? The basic core of their personality is either good or evil

3082. Can people be BOTH good an evil? Not really…you may have moments of behaving badly, but that does not make you evil…and you can have a moment of kindness, but that does not make you good basically either.

3083. Is there good in a rapist or a murderer? Not in my eyes

Is there evil in Mother Theresa? Her basic core was good, I’m sure she had moments of behaving badly, having a day of being short of patience, etc…but not evil.

3084. You are in a classroom setting. A teacher has asked for a surrealist project. One person comes in with cards. Each card has a picture. Some of the pictures are a breast, a penis, a urinal, open heart surgery, a woman sucking on a vacuum tube, etc. On the back of each picture is a phrase like 'Fuck you and all of your lesbian fish eating friends' or 'people who speak in metaphors oughtta shampoo my crotch'. The artist asks each person to take a random card, go around the room and at their turn hold up the card with the picture side out and read the phrase on the back.

Would you do it? Nope

How would you feel about it? I think it would be degrading

What do you think the artist's intent is? Haven’t a clue, but just because it is one person’s art, does not make it mine, nor does it mean I have to be a part of that art project. I would take the bad grade and sit it out.

3085. Are you satisfied? I have my moments

3087. How fast do you drive? It depends on my mood…..LOL…typically the speed limit posted, I am pretty good about that for the most part….but I have my moments when…..

3088. What do you want that you don't need? Ice Cream…….LOL

3089. What do you have that you wish you didn't? The reason why I’m not eating the Ice Cream…..LOL

3090. What does it mean when someone suggests that you don't own your possessions, they own you? I see it a lot in people, they have to keep up with the neighbors, own something because it is expensive and their friends own it, rather it be a picture on a wall, brand of jeans on their ass…etc….before they know it, they have a house full of crap that does not bring them joy. It is just crap that they got to keep up appearances.

3091. Where do you get motivation? Different places, different people, depends on the situation

3092. Did you ever wanna get with one of your teachers? Nope

Did you ever actually get with one? Yuck nope

3093. Have you ever had this happen, where one day you completely believe one thing and the next day you don't believe it anymore? It has happened to me

If yes, do you lie about your change of beliefs in order to appear consistent?

3094. Do you hide things about yourself from others? Not really…

If so why?

Is it because you are afraid they will be scared?

Or because YOU are scarred?

3095. Do you recognize that some part of you is evil or do you feel like you are all good?
I’m not all good, I’m to human for that, but neither am I evil, although I do have moments where I behave in a less than stellar manner!

3096. If everyone were flying flags and putting up yellow ribbons in honor of the people who died in a war and someone put up black bows and ribbons all over the top of their house what would you think? I would think they have the Freedom to Express what they believe to be their truth….that is what Americans do, we don‘t always agree and sometimes we squabble with each other in our sandbox …We are Free to do that.

Would you want them to take it down? No

Why? I already answered that in the last question

3097. Is a foot massage meaningless or does it have implications? Depends on the people…

3098. Are you sick of technology yet? I have my moments

3099. After tattoos and piercing, I believe the next big thing will be implants (horns, metal plates, etc) and after that will come genetic alteration (wings, purple skin, etc).

Would you have any of this done to you? not hardly….although…. purple skin might be cool….LOL

Would you let your kids have it done? Not any under 18, once they are adults they can make their own life lessons rather I agree with them or not.

What do you think the next big thing in body modification would be? Haven’t a clue

3100. What's the most insulting thing you could come up with to say to someone?
It would depend on the person I was insulting

Part Thirty Q & A-found the unanswered Q's

2801. The answer, my friend, is blowing in the wind. But what was the question?
I’m not really up on Dylan music but if I remember correctly, he was questioning about war, and life in general….this song is copy write 1961 and I was born at the end of 1961...

2802. Suggest three new diary circles that you would find interesting:
Vamps….B Flicks….Art

2803. Buttons or Knobs?

2804. What is a juggalo?
A thug

2805. Are you a fan of Crass?
I really don’t know the music

2806. If you were going to write a short note to yourself and then put it away and read it in ten years, what would it say? I’ve done this through out my life starting when I was 15 at a instructors suggestion to write a letter to my future husband to give to him on our wedding night…

I found it when I came home with Joshua in an old journal…LOL…I never did give it to him…which is a good thing, because he wasn’t worth something that innocent….

I’m not really sure what I would write right now to my future self …I’ll have to think and get back to you on that one

2807. When someone does something that is wrong do you believe that they know in their hearts that they are wrong but they push it down into their subconscious and rationalize away their guilt?

When have you done this (if you say never then you are doing it right now)?

2808. How can a person have sex with someone they don't love? I asked my pal that question a couple of summers back…….LOL…..he explained to me why men do this…

Have YOU ever?

2809. What are the paradoxes in your head (that is when you believe two conflicting things to be true)? ahhhhhh now that has been a real struggle the past few years, I’ll let ya know when I work it out

2810. What does each set of two words suggest to you?

pale gravity: Cool gray mornings silence fills the world around me, as if even the animals feel the shift in Mother Natures Mood just watching the fog settle in.

little mornings: I love these quiet little mornings sitting outside watching the humming birds buzz around me as I sip on hot peppermint tea and sketch. You can hear the laughter of the neighbors kids playing in their yard. The dogs are barking at some turkey crossing through the yard out of their reach, Chipmunks scamper back and forth from one hole in the ground to the next. Sometimes running up to my feet to grab a mouth full of sunflower seeds and walnuts that I am snacking on.

spiritual machines: Yes I try to avoid these creatures out to save the world from all it’s evil. They see sin everywhere they look but their own back yard, we see them on TV screaming from the pulpits while they have their hands in your pockets to pay for their lavish rich styles…the expensive manicures and huge diamond rings on the wives hands…I much prefer chatting face to face with a country preacher in a thread bare sweater, than watching the spiritual machines on the TV.

eccentric being: a dear old soul whose drummer still beats a different marching tune from the rest of the worlds

pray attention: pay attention now at the end of my patience with you

yellow lectures: boredom beyond belief

2811. What movie would be AWESOME in 3D? I don’t like 3D movies they give me headaches

2812. Why is it important to write and think clearly? So the reader can follow it.

2813. A girl and her boyfriend are hanging out. It is obvious they are together. Another guy schmoozes between them and starts hitting on the girl. The boyfriend tells this guy to back off. The guy just keeps bothering the girl.

Do you think the boyfriend would be justified in hitting this intrusive guy? Why wait for the guy to hit, I have a perfectly good knee and know where to place it hard.

A girl and her boyfriend are hanging out. It is obvious they are together. Another GIRL(lesbian) schmoozes between them and starts hitting on the first girl. The boyfriend tells this girl to back off. The girl just keeps bothering the first girl.

Do you think the boyfriend would be justified in hitting this intrusive girl? It matters not to me what sex they are, NO still means NO and I won’t wait for the guy to protect me from predators like this.

If you answered yes to one situation and no to the other one why the double standard?

2814. What do you think of the name Prue? it’s a name

2815. What would you spend your last dollar on? Depends on what I need

2816. Have you ever won an ebay auction?yes

If yes for what? I think a key chain from my pals ebay store for a Christmas present

2817. Would you like it if Blockbuster had a drive through?? some nights yes

2819. When was the last time you taught someone something and what was it? can’t remember

2820. Why do adults and teens not understand each other?
Life experience.…teens think they know everything and adults realize they don’t

2821. Are you afraid?
I have my moments

2822. Do you trust large drug corporations?

Do you trust the Food and Drug administration?

2823. If a tree falls in the woods does it make a sound?

Do you define sound as sound waves or as the reaction between the soundwaves and your ears?

2824. Who is full of shit?

2825. Four of the five senses are routed through a special area to the brain. One sense goes right to the brain and so is a powerful sense involved with memory and emotion. Which sense do you feel this is?

2826. Are you on a ship of fools or a carousel?

2827. What is your bathing suit like?

2828. Whose line is it, anyway?

2829. Are you more likely to answer a signed in note or a nsi note?

2830. To be or not to be. That is the question. What is the answer?

2831. Does beauty exist as a defineable standard or is beauty in the eyes of the beholder?

Why do you think it is that so many people have the same idea of who and what is beautiful?

Where do your standards for judgeing beauty come from?

2832. Would a war with Iraq help or harm american economy?

2833. What is the first thing you would do if you saw a nuclear explosion in the distance?

2834. Would you like to be cryogenically frozen?

2835. Think of the person you love the most.

Would you be willing to murder a stranger in order to save that person's life? Why or why not? I don’t know and I hope I am never put into a situation where I have to find out one way or the other.

2836. Imagine no possessions. I wonder if you can? Not really…we see it in third world countries but it is so distant from most of us, that it is hard to wrap our brains around it. It is not part of our reality.

2837. How messed up is:

your hair? in a pony tail today

your room? clean

your car? messy….LOL that I do need to clean out

your life? If you only knew

2838. What are you running out of? time in a bottle

2839. What do you live for? today…

2840. How did you decide it was worth living for? Because I don’t know if I will wake up tomorrow, so better take the day that I do have

2841. Do you consider some people to be too:

traditional? yes




stuck up?yes










2842. By what criteria do you judge others? My own same as you do

2843. Do you look at people's words and actions or the underlying reasons for those words and actions? People will tell you who they are, just listen to them… don’t think your going to change them or their opinion of you. Just hear, accept and walk away.

2844. Which would you rather collect:

simpsons action figures? no

kiss gear? Been there did that in teen years

anything with a smiley? Been there did that in teen years

horror movies? yes

2845. Do you fight for your rights? I am just now learning how to do that

2846. Would you rather be a construction worker or a crossing guard? neither

2847. What is enough to satisfy you in life? This is a question I saw in varies forms, so I was not sure how to answer it in a completely honest way….I am satisfied with some aspects of my life but not others….and are we ever really completely satisfied…once we reach that point; do we stop the growing as humans to be better and more than we are right now?

2848. Do you think you have more, less, or average life experience for your age? I used to think more, until I joined a couple of groups and discovered so many have survived more or different forms of what I have seen. So who is to say what is average for the human race?

2849. Why go to college? To expand our knowledge of the world out there

Have you considered joining a cult instead? Some thing I was raised in one

2850. What's the last lie you told? “Really; I’m fine.”

2851. What celebrity has the sexiest voice of

females? Catherine Seta Jones when she speaks in her native Welsh accent

males? Sean Connery

2852. You are having a party and can invite three celebrities of your choice. The WILL come. Who do you invite? Whoopie Goldberg, Craig Ferguson, Goldie Hawn

2853. Where did you come from? The trying to be the perfect wife, mother, daughter, sister, cousin…..everything I was “expected” to be.

Where are you now? Empty nest…. standing still looking at the mirrors image.

Where are you going? I have not a damn clue at this moment

2854. What would you imagine the playboy mansion is like? Ancient old man surrounded by beautiful young women willing to do anything for fame, money, and I don’t know what ever other reasons they have for being there.

2855. Do you blow your nose loudly in public? try not to….

2856. Do you help others every day? Not every day

2857. Bono or Chris Tucker? bono

2858. Is it lonely being alone in your head? I’m not alone in my head….I’m always there, as are the old ghost of my own past.

2859. What is the worst poverty you have ever seen? LA it is really depressing when I have to go down there…..I don’t know why but some of the areas just feel so gloomy while other areas are full of life and laughter

2860. Has anyone ever told you that more than 2 billion people live on less than two dollars a day? yes

What do you think of that? I think it is horrible the greed of corporate leaders

2861. Add a sentence to the story:

Once upon a time there was a man named Arthur and he was brushing his teeth when all of a sudden he saw a bright rainbow outside. So he goes out the back door to take a look and he finds an elf who says
We Elves have a task for you to accomplish, if you complete it in the appointed time we set you will be greatly rewarded with a pot of gold. But you must never tell anyone the mission and you must complete it in the appointed time your given or you will forfeit the gold coins. Here is a passport, and the itinerary for your trip, your leaving in 20 minutes for America. Once you arrive you will be met by an undercover fairy of the North American Realm who will help set you on your path. Top secret this mission is, do you accept?

LOL of course that is more than a sentence is it not….LOL

2862. Be honest.. do you generally listen or wait for your turn to talk?
I have my moments when I do listen and moments when I don’t

2863. How many fingers do you type with? 4

2864. What does 'you think you know but you have no idea' mean? Where did it come from as a common phrase? I don’t really care

2865. Do you think it's important to give up liberties in order to protect freedom? never

2866. Do you think George Bush was elected in a legal way? No, if there was a question there should have been a recount not a judge deciding.

2867. Imagine you were dying of a only had a certain amount of time left with your mate, parents or children. What would you leave behind for them to remember you by? My art and my journals

How would you feel if there were drugs to help you live, only you couldn't afford them?
I have seen that happening in my country USA here in MI already….

How would you feel if people were trying to sell you the drugs at a lower cost but the drug companies made sure they couldn't because that would cut their profits?
Again that is happening already with seniors being denied medications from Canada because it is cheaper.

This scenario is going on Right Now. The country is Africa. The disease is aids. The drug is azp (and others). The people are Africans who are very poor and have aids. The large drug corporations won't sell the drugs at a price they can afford or allow smaller companies to either. Is this acceptable? no

What are you going to do about it?
I don’t know what we can do, we can’t prevent it in our own country.

2868. Would you ever BUY a new ring for your cell phone that plays a couple of notes of your favorite song? I did in the past

2869. What has completely moved you? Watching a wounded man wake up from his fog to the world around him.

2870. If for your next birthday you had a novelty kids birthday party what games would you play at it? I’ve done this before because no matter how old we get, we are still kids at heart…pin the tail on the donkey, twister ( try this with a shot of something in your hand, and the shot glass is never allowed to touch the ground, the first person to spill has to take a jello shot) , Pictionary, piƱata (but instead of candy it had those little teeny bottles of alcohol in them…) , we used to have scavenger hunts for my birthday each year, that was how the party started actually…you had the different teams and a time limit with a list of items to be found imagination was encouraged…LOL…. First team back with all the items on the list won a door prize.

2871. How can you keep open toed sandals from rubbing against your toes and making them blistered and raw? Band aide ….typically it is just breaking them in

2872. What happens to socks when they disappear in the drier? ahhhh one of the great mysteries

2873. What is the quality of humanity all about? Being humane, being compassionate, having empathy for each other…..or you have the negatives of humanity of greed, corruption, etc….two sides of the coin, which do you want.

2874. True or false - All homophobes are inherently evil.:
false people fear what they can not understand

2875. Is there anything, besides love, that money can't buy? integrity

2876. How is your soul? damaged at the moment

2877. What are you committed to? my family

2879. Are you photogenic? no

2880. Can you define these words off the top of your head as if you were talking to someone who didn't know what they were?

rain: Water falling from the sky

cold: Loss of warmth

green: grass

sand: soft grains

2881. Why aren't you naked (or are you)? your not a very good psychic if you can’t tell

2882. Do you think anyone is all good or all evil? none of us are all good, but I have met people who are completely evil.

2883. Go outside a sec. how many animals are in your yard? three

Did you count yourself? yes

why or why not? because I sensed you would ask…….LOL

2884. What household appliance drags you down? TV

2885. try this..write a list of six possibilities of things you could do after you are off the computer. Make sure that at lease ONE thing is something you would be unlikely to ever do.

1. Write in journal

2. Paint

3. Fly a Plane

4. Walk the dogs

5. Fill the wood stove

6. Shower and get ready for bed

Now grab a dice (if you have none ask someone to pick a number between 1 and 6) and decide what you will do by flipping it. Then do it!

2886. Which of the following doesn't belong with the others and why?

a. garden

b. love
c. magazine check ….gardens are generally about love and death, everything in it is planted with love, and it will all die

d. death

2887. How old are you? 48

What age do you feel mentally? that depends on the day….LOL

emotionally? that depends on the day

spiritually? that depends on the day

2888. Who do you think is more wise:

your mailman


a person who has been living on the streets for 12 years?
one does not make them wiser than another just luckier is all…

2889. Do you kiss on the first date? no

2890. Would you ever want to be on:

a dating show(which)? no

a game show(which)? no

the news(why)? Yes, used to be for different things when I was younger, advertising for local theatre shows, or the local Halloween house, typical teen stuff I was part of growing up….

2891. How much money would it take to get you to:

strip to nothing but a bright orange thong (for guys, orange thongs an string bikini top for girls) and wrestle another person of the same sex in a thong in a pool of jello? not enough money in the world

participate in a contest where you drink alcohol as fast as you can until you puke? not enough money in the world

sit absolutely still for 2 hours, in nothing but a towel, covered in plaster of Paris? I could not achieve this feat

Walk around at your school in bondage gear asking people to spank you on the ass with a huge dead octopus tentacle? not enough money in the world

pick your nose and eat it? not enough money in the world

smash potatoes with your head?

Not into the whole frat crap stuff, not enough money for me to do any of these things

2892. Who deserves an apology? My son

2893. What wins the award as stupidest lyric you can think of? Tip Toe through the tulips

2894. Where do you most like to be massaged? hands

2895. Is your face clear? some days yes some days no

2896. Finish this phrase in a humorous way.. Friends don't let friends...
Get drunk and go home with the farmer boy…..LOL…..ok maybe I’ve watched to many B Flick horror films…but it is always the farmer boys who are the hidden psychos that bury the bodies in the radioactive back 40.…LOL

2897. What present would you bring to the birthday party of an acquaintance? I don’t generally go to an acquaintance party, just friends

2898. Is your game on? no game at 48

2899. What would a song for the deaf be like? sung with hands

How about a painting for the blind? textured

2900. What is a sure-fire way to get noticed? who do you want to get noticed by first